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Rogue River Salmon Fly Hatch 2024 OTF Guide Salmon Fly Pattern.

I love the end of May! it means a couple of things. First, Holy Water Salmon Flies here on the Rogue. Second, the Williamson River and its trophy trout is opening.

May is for trout spey as well. As the rivers warm bugs become more active, and with at activity the swing game heats up. We swing flies to imitate the emergence of a ton of different bugs, so our ties often resemble a ton of different species rather than singling out just one. As a pupil of Polly Rosburogh I hat to learn how to raise flies in front of fish using single handers as a kid. It wasn't easy at times, but nowadays with all the trout speys and speciality lines it's amazing how effective the swing can be. Follow the blog as I will making a video showing you how I do it.

If I'm fishing over medium size trout I like to swing a 3wt spey or a 6wt singlehander with a short head. For bigger fish and rivers I turn to my Lts Explosive 10' 6wt paired with the Lts Polyline and tips to match the desired water column. The cool thing about this line is that its designed with a stout head that turns over even the heaviest poly leader! An added bonus, is that it also spey cast well. So with one line you can overhead cast and spey cast as conditions and presantations dictate. Check out their Poly Lines here

If you haven't got into flyfishing because of the price, check out Maxxon Outfitters Rods, Reels, and Lines. For a fraction of the price, you can get on the water with confidence.

We love the Maxxon Outfitter Gorge series. Both 6wts in the series work well for trout and steelhead. If you are primarily after steelhead go with the full wells fighting butt version, if trout, the regular unlocking reelseat is sufficient. Check the out here

A Great 2024 Rogue River Salmonfly Rod
Maxxon Gorge 9'6wt

In celebration of the last week of May I have decided to share a super effective salmon fly pattern with you. it was born on the Holy Water and catches fish when they stub their nose at everything else. Go fish them and have some fun. 

Rogue River Holy Water Trout

Here is a quick video on how to tie it.



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