The Williamson River Opens May 22, 2024 and as usual provides great Fly Fishing opportunities for the Trophy Trout of a Lifetime.

Water, Water, Water is the word for the 2024 Williamson River Opener. As of 5/15/2024 its flowing 1250cfs, that's about twice its regular summertime flow so getting down and using a visual tantalizing fly will be the name of the game. Run off flows turn the Williamson a coke-a-cola brown that makes some anglers hold of fishing it until it clears, but for those in the know the Williamson fishes as good, if not better during these conditions. Monster trout get big by being cautious. In clear water they take less risk and hold in the bottom of deep runs, but, with the stained water, they seem to hold in the riffles as the brown tint conceals them. This is the trout spey anglers dream as the Williamsons' riffles are perfect swing water.

Another great thing about the Williamson having a little color is that you can use a stronger tippet than 4X. The Williamson River Redband fights like its steal headed cousin, so being able to use 2x or higher tippet is a real treat.

3 Tips For Fishing The Williamson River at High Water
Fish The Riffles
This can be tricky if you dont know the river, as the Williamson's reefs gobble up flies faster than a starving pig.
Use bigger flies
This goes without saying, but all you hear about the Williamson is big fish on tiny flies, which is normally the case, but not during high water.
Hire a guide that has seen the river at all different climate cycles. If you get on the river with a guide that's only fished the Williamson during the last drought cycle you will be fishing over fewer fish. has been fishing the river since the 1980's and has seen all possible river conditions.

So there you have it, Don't be afraid, Get out there and give the Williamson a try.